Welcome To ABB Medical Billing
ABB Medical BillingABB Medical BillingABB Medical Billing
(Monday - Friday)
Virginia, USA
ABB Medical BillingABB Medical BillingABB Medical Billing

Medical Billing

Home Health & Hospice Billing

Medical Accounts Receivables

Consulting Services

Managing Work Flow/Training


Enhanced Cash Flow

Secured Patient Data

Medical Billing Service

ABB Medical Billing will do more than take the burden of these financial worries. ABB Medical Billing improves so many aspects of our clients’ overall business operations. Just as you are the best at what you do, we are the best at what we do.

We aim to provide high quality service for all our clients. Our dedicated staff strives to obtain maximum reimbursements, providing stress-free claim resolution for our providers. We have been in business for over 25 years.

  • No investment in software or hardware servers
  • No maintenance/upgrade hassles and costs
  • Rapid deployment - realizing benefits immediately
  • Increases collections and cash flow
  • Minimizes billing and collection costs
  • Reduces payroll costs and taxes
  • Third party to deal with problem patients
  • Ophthalmology
  • Dermatologist
  • Home Health
  • Hospice
  • Obstetrician-Gynecologist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Pain Management
  • General Practice
  • Neurologist
  • Real-time Access
  • Accessibility
  • Maintain Control
  • Instant Information
  • Improved Revenue
  • Practice Enhancement
  • Performance Based Fee
  • Customer Service
  • Industry Expertise
  • Staff Training 
  • Secured Patient Data        
  • Kinnser
  • WellSky
  • TriZetto
  • Medisoft
  • Office Ally
  • EclinicalWorks
  • AdvancedMD
  • Avanta
  • Practice Fusion

Consult Today

Allow us to become an extension of your team today. We can help you save time and generate more revenue, allowing you to provide quality patient care to your patients. We take pride in helping our clients grow. Contact us today to see how we can best help your facility improve your revenue cycle management.

    Revenue Cycle Management Services

    Revive your financial performance with the expertise of our billing and coding professionals, with over 25 years of combined experience.

    Medical billing and coding is the single most important element to guarantee reimbursements. Even the smallest mistake can cause an insurance company to reject a claim, causing a long resubmission process and a delay of payment.

    Set Your Home Health & Hospice Agency Up for Financial Success

    ABB Medical Billing offers flexible billing solutions to custom-fit your agency needs. We can bill and collect for Medicare, non-Medicare, or all payers. Each billing and collections proposal is created following a careful review of your current billing and collections needs. ABB Medical Billing works hard to ensure that your Home Health & Hospice agency receives the most reliable billing and collections solution available.

    Your Home Health & Hospice billing and collections package includes these essential services.

    • File Notice of Elections (NOE) and Notice of Termination/Revocations (NOTR) Daily
    • Accelerate Payments with Electronic Billing Where Possible
    • Manage Claim Denials with a Quick Turnaround
    • Annual Reviews
    • Monitor Daily Medicare T-Status & ADR
    • Set Up & Maintain Payer Accounts Using Your Software

    Our skilled team has extensive knowledge and experience billing and collecting for a variety of payers.

    • Medicare
    • Commercial & Private Insurance Payers
    • Veteran Administration (VA) Plans
    • State Medicaid Road & Board Programs

    Provide Excellent Customer Service to your Patients

    Keep your focus on treating your patients, while allowing ABB Medical Billing to handle your complete patient billing cycle, from mailing statements, to collecting dues, and answering patient questions.

    Your patients will have a direct line of communication to us to ask any questions about their statements. This in turn will save your employees valuable time that can be better spent throughout the office, ensuring better patient care.

    In addition to all of this, we offer an audit to any health care provider that is in trouble. ABB Medical Billing is known to be the clean-up billers, who will find the source of your problems in your revenue cycle that impacts your revenue. Quite often, we can find the cause of your issues within the first day of auditing revenue cycle. As your financial partners, we will identify the issue and develop a plan to prevent it from happening again.

    ABB Medical Billing wants to create long term relationships with our clients. To do this, we ensure that the quality of our service never dwindles. You can contact us at (703) 758-1407 for a consultation. Allow us to be your financial partner.

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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